Bahamian Envoy elected as Vice Chairman at the 48th Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly
Bahamian Envoy elected as Vice Chairman at the 48th Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly
Washington, DC – H.E. Sidney Collie, Ambassador of The Bahamas to the United States of America and Permanent Representative of The Bahamas to the Organization of American States (OAS) was elected as Vice Chair of the General Committee of the OAS General Assembly at its 48th Regular Session from 4-5 June 2018 in Washington, DC. The General Committee of the OAS General Assembly is charged with the oversight of the negotiation of draft resolutions, then they are presented to the Assembly for action.
Amongst the resolutions adopted at the 48th Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly was the Resolution on the Situation in Venezuela. The Bahamas, led by the Hon. Darren Henfield, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs, joined eighteen other OAS Member States in voting in favour of the resolution.