Climate Diplomacy on the Road to COP29 Azerbaijan: the Baku Communique


23rd May, 2024

The Hon. Frederick A. Mitchell, M.P., Minister of Foreign of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas,  led the Bahamian delegation to a round table dialogue on Small Island Developing States priorities and objectives for COP29. The Meeting was at the invitation of H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The round table dialogue was also attended by Tuvalu, led by the Governor General, H.E. Rev Sir Tofinga Vaevalu Falani, GCMG, MBE, the Kingdom of Tonga, led by the Prime Minister, H.E. Siaosi Ofa Ki Vahafolau Sovaleni.

The delegations met with members of the Azerbaijani COP29 Negotiating Team, including Yalchin Rafiyev, COP29 Lead Negotiator; Elnur Soltanov, Chief Executive Officer of COP29; Elvin Ashrafzade, COP29 Senior Negotiator; and Madsad Huseynov, COP29 Negotiating Team (Finance) to outline their critical priorities for COP29, which include operationalizing the Loss and Damage Fund; ensuring a robust New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG) and the importance of a just and equitable transition to clean energy to keep 1.5C within reach.

Foreign Minister Mitchell and Director General Jerusa Ali, in a bilateral with Elchin Balshirov, Director of the Americas Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discuss furthering diplomatic and economic ties, preliminary discussion of formulating a visa waiver agreement between both Countries and formulating cultural exchange initiatives. The Bahamas and Azerbaijan established Diplomatic Relations in 2017 and have supported each other on a range of international policy agendas and ascension to multiple United Nations bodies. The Bahamas has been the beneficiary of scholarships and fellowships to the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA) since the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Foreign Minister Mitchell emphasized that the Davis Administration’s number one foreign policy agenda is “Climate Change” during bilateral talks with members of the Presidential Administration, Department of Foreign Policy Affairs. Vigorous descriptions of the effects that coastal erosion and the lasting effects of hurricane Dorian posed to Grand Bahama, where sea surges reached 18-23ft, were depicted to the host delegation. Positive discussions about the development needs of The Bahamas, including adaptation and mitigation measures, were at the forefront, emphasizing the administration’s move to merge the Disaster Reconstruction Authority and NEMA with a focus on preventative measures. Foreign Minister Mitchell acknowledged Baylar Talibov of Azerbaijan, the post-Dorian Operations Manager of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Also in attendance were Vugar Aliyev, Section Head; Habib Mikayilli – Deputy Head; Marziyya Vakilova-Mardaliyeva, Chief Advisor; and Israfil Abdullayev, Senior Advisor.

The effects of Climate Change is an issue that a problem for all countries and as Prime Minister Davis takes the world stage on emphasising its effects on The Bahamas, and other low lining countries, The Commonwealth is working with the Government of Azerbaijan’s COP29 team to support areas of climate finance, loss and damage, technical assistance, and capacity building. Of the 51 SIDS (20% of the United Nations membership), 25 are members of the Commonwealth (50% of the Commonwealth).  The Commonwealth delegation was lead by The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland, the Baroness of Scotland of Asthal, the Commonwealth Secretary General, accompanied by Suresh Yadav, Senior Director Trade, Oceans and Natural Resources; and Dr. Kaitu’u ‘i Pangai Funaki, Senior Adviser (Pacific).

Foreign Minister Mitchell thanked Tahir Gozel Foundation for International Development, H.E. Ali Serim, Special Envoy to COP29 for Vanuatu, and H.E. Shivshankar Nair GCEG, OV, Ambassador for Climate Change Oceans and Special Envoy to The Commonwealth and UNESCO for Tuvalu, on behalf of the Government and People of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas for their efforts in facilitating this historic meeting.

The Baku Communique jointly developed by Azerbaijan, Tuvalu, Tonga and Bahamas is included below:


Upon the invitation of H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of  Azerbaijan, Tuvalu, represented by the Governor General, H.E. Rev Sir Tofinga Vaevalu Falani, GCMG, MBE, the Kingdom of Tonga represented by the Prime Minister, H.E. Siaosi Ofa Ki Vahafolau Sovaleni, the  Commonwealth of The Bahamas represented by the Minister of Foreign  Affairs, the Hon. Frederick A. Mitchell, convened in Baku, Azerbaijan to deliberate and agree on key priorities for COP 29 and endorsed the following communique

Welcoming Azerbaijan’s particular attention, as the COP29 Presidency, to the unique challenges faced by the Small Island Developing States (SIDS),  and in this regard expressing deep appreciation to H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev,  President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the invitation extended,

Expressing concern over the adverse impacts of climate change, which  affect livelihoods, security, and well-being of people and the ecosystem, and  impede the progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development  Goals and objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement,

Recognizing that SIDS are particularly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of  climate change, notably to rising sea levels and coastal extremes, which  threaten their cultural heritage and existence,

Acknowledging the unprecedented temperature increases as reported by the latest assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which demand urgent action,

Standing united in our determination to see COP29 as a milestone platform to enable effective climate actions for all parties and commending Azerbaijan’s continued engagement with the SIDS in the run-up to COP29,

Emphasising the importance of strengthening peace, relief and recovery aiming at increased climate resilience, and welcoming an inclusive approach by the COP29 Presidency on these matters,

Welcoming Azerbaijan’s COP29 commitment on climate finance to ensure  that it is readily available and accessible to enhance climate resilience, with  particular attention given to the operationalization of the Loss and Damage  Fund, the finalization of the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG)  on finance,

Agreeing to take mitigation actions and the importance of a just and equitable transition to clean energy to keep 1.5C within reach, recognizing the critical role of other means of implementation,

Express support to Azerbaijan in its endeavor to make COP29 an inclusive, transparent, and neutral platform of unity and ensure successful outcomes for all in this critical decade of global climate action.

BAKU. 15th May, 2024