Director General Jerusa Ali Meets with Partners in Haiti
Ambassador Jerusa Ali, Director General in the Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commander Julian Smith, Chargé d’affaires at the embassy recently met with representatives from other nations.

Jerusa Ali, Director General of the Foreign Ministry, Commander Julian Smith, Charge d’Affaires of The Bahamas Embassy Haiti, and the Embassy Team meet with His Excellency Dennis Hankins, US Ambassador to Haiti, Anne Grabins, Defense Attache, and Kari Jaksa, Political Counselor, US Embassy Haiti, to discuss the security on the ground in Haiti and Multinational Security Support Mission (MSSM) operations and resource mobilisation. Other issues addressed included irregular migration, consular matters, and the resumption of flights between Port au Prince and Nassau.

Counselor Kazuhiko Nishiuchi of the Japanese Embassy in Haiti welcomed Ambassador Jerusa Ali, Director General of the Foreign Ministry, and Commander Julian Smith, Charge d’Affaires of The Bahamas Embassy in Haiti. Japan recently reopened its Embassy after closing in March this year. Charge d’Affaires Commander Julian Smith thanked the Japanese for assisting with the evacuation of Bahamian diplomats in March. Counselor Nishiuchi provided an overview of Japanese development assistance to Haiti via the United Nations, the Organisation of American States, and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Nishiuchi, who was previously posted in Benin and several other Francophone African countries, said that he had a deep appreciation for Haitian culture and language and that he hoped the security situation would improve to allow the country to develop to its full potential. Director General Ali echoed his sentiments as they conversed in Japanese and French. Reassuring The Bahamas’ Bilateral relationship and our nation’s mutual support.

Their Excellencies Cesar Alberto Faes (Argentina) and Jose Jaliliye (Chile) met with Ambassador Jerusa Ali, Director General of the Foreign Ministry, Commander Julian Smith, Charge d’Affaires of The Bahamas Embassy Haiti for a multilateral meeting. Ambassadors Faes and Jaliliye commended The Bahamas for being the only CARICOM Mission in Port au Prince and being a“neighbourly” friend of Haiti. The diplomatic corps in Haiti includes Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Canada, Taiwan, Cuba, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Holy See, Mexico, Panama, Spain, United Kingdom, United States and Venezuela. They spoke about regional collaboration within the Organisation of American States (OAS), which is becoming a more significant actor involved in the Haiti Multinational Security Support Mission (MSSM). Director General Ali thanked both ambassadors for the warm welcome and further assurance that they would assist each other in strengthening the diplomatic corps in Port au Prince.

Ambassador Jerusa Ali, Director General of the Foreign Ministry, Commander Julian Smith, Charge d’Affaires of The Bahamas Embassy Haiti, and the Embassy Team meet with His Excellency Andre Francois Giroux, Canadian Ambassador to Haiti, and Political Counsellor Eric Waeringto to discuss the CARICOM EPG, the situation on the ground in Haiti, and Canadian support for Multinational Security Support Mission (MSSM) operations and resource mobilisation. Captain Frederick Brown thanked the Canadians for their continued military and law enforcement technical training (peacekeeping operations, human rights compliance, gender sensitivity, trafficking in persons).