Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) pays a Courtesy Call on the Minister of Foreign Affairs
30 April 2018 –Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Dr. Carissa Eitenne , pays a Courtesy Call on the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Darren A. Henfield, M.P, at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They discussed a range of matters of mutual interests, including non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) and tobacco control.
(L-R) Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) representative to The Bahamas Ms. Esther DeGourville, Acting Permanent Secretary Ms. Rhoda Jackson, Director of PAHO Dr. Carissa Eitenne PhD, the Honourable Darren A. Henfield, PAHO, Chief of Staff Dr. Merle J. Lewis PhD, and Director General Sharon Brennen- Haylock.