Parlimentary Secretary Jamahl Strachan Represented The Bahamas at OACPS and ACP-EU
Mr Jamahl Strachan, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs led The Bahamas’ delegation at the 61st Session of The Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) Parliamentary Assembly, 25th – 28th October, 2022 and at the 42nd Session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, 29th October – 2nd November, 2022 in Maputo Mozambique.
Parliamentary Secretary Strachan made significant contributions on the following themes “Global Challenges of Climate Change Cooperation for Adaptation and Mitigation in the Wake of COP27” and “The consequences of the European Union List of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes and of third countries with AML/CFT deficiencies”.
In his remarks on the topic of Climate Change, Parliamentary Secretary Strachan stated that “The Bahamas supports the viewpoint that failure to act on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation is an infringement on human rights: the right to life; the right to liberty; and the right to security”. He further stated that “The World cannot turn a blind an eye as vulnerable states are denied their right to exist in a fair and equitable world”.
Parliamentary Secretary Strachan also reiterated the stance of The Bahamas in light of the upcoming COP 27 to attending ACP and EU member states with the statement, “The Bahamas believes and supports the position that Legal Action must be taken against the polluters, so that we can protect our world, our livelihoods and our culture for future generations”.
With regards to taxation matters involving The Bahamas’ recent blacklisting, Parliamentary Secretary Strachan urged the European Union (EU) to be fair and reasonable in their formulation and evaluation of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions because it appeared that EU member states were not being held to the same level of accountability (even when strategic deficiencies are identified) which could present an aura of unfairness and economic colonization.
Among the matters debated by both Parliamentary Assemblies were possible solutions on issues surrounding poverty and human rights, the Political dialogue under Article 8 of the Contonou Agreement- State of Play and outlook; the state of peace and security in the world – The Current War between Russia and Ukraine and its global impact; Cooperation at the international level between the OACPS and the European Union and Developments in the membership of the OACPS.
On the conclusion of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly the following two (2) resolutions were passed by the majority of ACP-EU member states
- Resolution on the global challenges of climate change cooperation for adaptation and mitigation in the wake of COP 27
- Resolution on ensuring market access for OACPS commodity-producing countries by enhancing
sustainable consumption and production patterns
Parliamentary Secretary Jamahl Strachan was supported at both Parliamentary meetings by Mr. Antonio V. Butler Jr, Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nassau, The Bahamas.