My Fellow Bahamians,

It is a great honour and pleasure to join you in celebrating our country’s independence. On 10 July, 1973,
The Bahamas became an independent nation. In the early hours of this day, many Bahamians assembled
on Clifford Park to partake in the flag raising ceremony and stood proud as the colours of black, gold and
aquamarine was hoisted into the air. Tears flooded the eyes of many individuals as the sound of ‘March on
Bahamaland’ echoed into the atmosphere. Today, we give honour, glory and praise to Almighty God for
His continued grace, blessings and favour upon us as a nation. As a people we can truly declare that God
is good and great is His faithfulness toward us.

The theme, “United We Stand, Bahamas…Together We Can”, is indeed a fitting one. It allows us to
reflect on our rich historic past and our growth and accomplishments. Moreoever, it also allows us to set
our future aspirations; being mindful that these are best achieved through collaborative efforts. Further, this
is a time that we ponder on the unselfish service of our past and current nation builders.

Today, we honour the past, acknowledge the present and look toward our future as we stand on the
traditions and core values that were instilled by our forefathers and foremothers. It is through their
perseverance and sacrifice that we are an independent people. We ought to be proud of our heritage, our
resilience and our country’s global impact. Let us be forever mindful of their efforts and appreciate the
solidarity, stability and peace that we enjoy as a sovereign nation.

My brothers, sisters and friends,
On behalf of the Government and people of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, I take this opportunity to
thank our personnel who represent The Bahamas overseas. They remain united with a sense of service
and purpose to promote and protect our interest abroad as we journey forward. Colleagues, I especially
thank you for the emphasis that you have placed on advancing our national perspectives and aspirations as
a people.

To our diaspora, you remain a part of us despite the miles that separate us. We continue with our
endeavours to engage you through our Embassies and Consulates and invite you to participate in the
cultural events to celebrate our independence in your jurisdiction.

As The Bahamas enters an aggressive phase of national development, we look forward to deepening our
engagement with you. It is our hope that you will return to invest, consult, build and support your native
land. We greatly appreciate you and value your recommendations and contributions. To this end, I
encourage you to register with the Embassy or Consulate in your jurisdiction so that you might receive
updates relative to our progress.

To all Bahamians, I stand with each of you in our commitment to build upon the work of our ancestors as
we advance our nation. My brothers and sisters, let us continue to stand as a proud people with our heads
lifted toward the rising sun. May we forever move forward, upward and onward to a common loftier goal;
marching on in love and as a united Bahamaland.

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, I extend best wishes
and congratulations to all citizens of The Bahamas on this significant achievement worthy of celebration.

Happy Independence Bahamas!

May God continue to bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.


10 July, 2019